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Thursday, October 28, 2004


My "Books To Get" list

Here is a list of books that I want to get. Some I've already read, but I'd like to own them. Some I may already own somewhere, but I'm not sure where they are.

Just for Fun: The Story of an Accidental Revolutionary
by Linus Torvalds and David Diamond - the story of how Linux got started.

High-Tech Heretic : Reflections of a Computer Contrarian
by Clifford Stoll - A computer professional who doesn't think that computers are the answer to all of the world's problems

Hardware Hacking Projects for Geeks
by Scott Fullam

PC Toys
by Barry Press

Hacking: The Art of Exploitation
by Jon Erickson
-may seem malicious, but it's good to know so you can defend against it.

The Art of Deception: Controlling the Human Element of Security
by Kevin D. Mitnick (former hacker turned security expert - don't they all)
-it's about people, not software. The most secure system in the world can be hacked when there are morons running it.

Universal Command Guide
by Guy Lotgering
-every command for every major operating system. We're talking command line here.

Wicked Cool Shell Scripts
by Dave Taylor
-shell scripts (for those who don't know) are files of instructions to the operating system - usually used to automate repetitive tasks and create more sophisticated commands. This book is about how to write them and all the cool things they can do. In some operating systems, shell scripts are practically another programming language and you could write virtually any program in a shell script. In other operating systems, they're pretty boring. Those who remember the good old days of DOS might know them as "Batch Files" - all those .bat's.

Well, there are more, but I can't think of any of them right now. Most of these can be found on - it's a nice online shop for computer geeks.

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