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qpmarl blog

Here you will find personal information about my life as well as everything that I find apropriate and interesting enough to share with the world.

Friday, October 29, 2004



Why does life have to be so complicated.

I'm talking about relationships and emotions in general.

We cause ourselves so much pain because we want to avoid a little discomfort.

Can't people just learn to communicate clearly and without so much anxiety over other people's reactions.

I don't think that we give each other enough credit when it comes to understanding and compassion.

Ho hum. That's just the way that it is sometimes - most of the time, actually.
Flip Flop - I don't understand it either and it drives me crazy. My philosophy is say it - get it out there - deal with it and move on... Please deal with me in this manner. It makes life so much easier. I know that I won't break, and I'll never stop loving or caring about anyone close who expresses his or her true feelings - you know. The family and friends in my life are way to important. -MML
hey beyourluv, you got it right, that's exactly what I'm talking about - and the fact that people have trouble actually letting their feelings out. It's not safe or healthy to keep them in.
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