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qpmarl blog

Here you will find personal information about my life as well as everything that I find apropriate and interesting enough to share with the world.

Monday, December 20, 2004


caution: volatile images

Uhm, I use to store the images that I use here. I like UYI because it doesn't require a login account, there is no limit on the number of images you can store there, it's pretty reliable, they don't modify the images at all, and it's fast and easy(for me) to use.

The only problem is that images are likely to be deleted when they're no longer viewed very often. It's not much of a problem as long as the post with the images is on the main blog page, but all of my older images have been removed. So if you like any of the pictures that I post and want to save them, you better do it before they get deleted. You can always ask me if you want an image that was on the blog, but has been removed. I'll send you a high-res version if you want.

Some day, maybe I'll be able to afford to operate my own web server and then I'll be able to do lots of crazy things with my blog and not worry about stuff being deleted because it's rarely accessed. Hey, I might even let all my family members host blogs there for free.

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