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qpmarl blog

Here you will find personal information about my life as well as everything that I find apropriate and interesting enough to share with the world.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005


Weeked with Marie and Maggie

I spent Saturday night and Sunday at Marie's playing with Maggie, hanging out, and getting some much needed sleep.

Trying to actually sleep on my days off is pretty hard with my roommates/coworkers around. They all like to stay up late and get up early and it's impossible to get any sleep.

Maggie is pretty funny and very smart. It's hard to believe that she's not quite 2 years old yet. She's almost talking in complete sentences and it's amazing how much must be going on in her little head. When I took her to the park, there was a football and a little stuffed animal that someone had left there. After riding the swing and the slide a few times, she wanted to play with the football and toy. First she took the toy to the swing, put it in (the small child's swing), and pushed it a few times. When it fell out, she picked it up and put it back in. Afterwards, she took the football for a ride down the slide. Then she danced on the picknick tables for a while. I had to stop her when she got down on her knees and started biting the table - the table is filthy. On the walk home, she got down and wanted to bite the concrete curb. She almost always insists on walking the entire 3 blocks to the park and will start to squirm if anyone tries to carry her (because she walks quite slowly).

It was a good weekend. I got caught up on my sleep and got to spend some time with Marie and Maggie which is hard to do durring the work week. I definitely needed the sleep - I was feeling absolutely drained for the past few weeks.

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