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qpmarl blog

Here you will find personal information about my life as well as everything that I find apropriate and interesting enough to share with the world.

Saturday, September 17, 2005


No more beard

Just in case you haven't seen me for a while:

I don't have a beard anymore. I got sick of it. And since shaving, I've realized how nice it is to not have a beard (or long mustache).

When you don't have a beard or mustache:
It doesn't get in your mouth when you're trying to eat.
You don't get food (and drink) stuck in it. (I had begun to avoid all sorts of sauces for this reason)
You don't get long beard hairs in your food.
It doesn't get caught in your coat zipper.
You don't have to worry about it getting all misshappen when you lay face-down.

But I'm not saying that I will never grow a beard again. The next time it will probably be a huge hippie beard.

It doesn't do any of those things if you trim it, either. And a b/m trimmer is cheaper than an electric shaver, and a lot cheaper than replacing blades (in the long run.)

And I don't have to trim my beard every day. Once a week or so is plenty.
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