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qpmarl blog

Here you will find personal information about my life as well as everything that I find apropriate and interesting enough to share with the world.

Friday, September 02, 2005


I need to read my own posts

I've been adding blogs to this new software I have (Akregator), which is an RSS feed aggregator1. So I added my own blog to the aggregator and was looking at the list of posts and didn't remember writing some. So I read them, and then I remembered, but I'd completely forgotten about what I had written about. So I need to go back and read some of them and check out some of the cool stuff I've written about.

1. If you don't know about RSS feeds, read this. If you have started a blog through, they you almost definitely have an RSS feed from your blog and you most likely need to update. Akregatorb takes all these feeds and shows you everone's new posts in an email/news browser kind of way. Then you can read the posts in plain text and go to the actual page if you'd like. It saves a lot of time reading blogs because they're all there at once and you can see who's posted recently and stuff.

Footnote 1 Footnotes
b. Akregator is probably not the software you want unless you run linux (or some Unix) and use the KDE desktop. Because Akregator is for KDE (which I use - it's nice). But you can probably find some other aggregator that will work on your chosen platform. Mozilla Firefox has some RSS feed support, but it's not as nice as Akregator which keeps track of which ones you've read and shows them in a more comprehensive way. Firefox just has a live bookmark kind of thing that looks like a bookmark folder for each feed and seperate bookmarks for each post.

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