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qpmarl blog

Here you will find personal information about my life as well as everything that I find apropriate and interesting enough to share with the world.

Saturday, May 07, 2005


Maggie, Wyoming, and Tequila

I took a week off from building water slides to visit my family in Wyoming. Marie and Scott were there with their 2 year old daughter Maggie (my niece).

I flew out to Tacoma, WA and drove to WY with my brother Tom (who sometimes goes by "Bob"). The trip was rather uneventful, except that we gave a lift to some kids who ran out of gas, and then we ran out of gas the next day. Bob's car is pretty cool. It's a Subaru Impreza Outback Station Wagon - 5 spd manual, 2.5 L 4 cylinder engine, All Wheel Drive (like all Subaru cars).

Maggie was having the time of her life with all 3 of her uncles (a first for her), my parents' dog "Tequila", and the vastness of Wyoming. We went to look at some fossilized dinosaur tracks a few miles from my parents' place - it wasn't all that spectacular because they are rather small tracks and not very prominent. But I got some nice pictures of Maggie and stuff.

Now I'm at my maternal grandmother's place in MN - she just had a hip surgery. My mother and Bob are here also. It's a big mothers day/grandma's birthday get together. But I'll have to be leaving before most of the festivities to go back to work.

I'm also looking into buying a truck(1 ton Chevy crew cab) from my mom's brother Dave. She's old and worn out, but she has a few miles left in her I reckon. I know the truck pretty well as I've worked with Dave on a number of occasions and even lived with him a few times.

Since when is Tom called "Bob"?
One guy in Tacoma started telling people that his name was Bob, so people there just thought that was his name.
Now they know that it's not but they still call him that sometimes.
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