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qpmarl blog

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Friday, October 07, 2005



Yes, technology can help prevent and cure disease. But there will always be diseases and death. I don't think that technology will ever entirely defeat disease. And I do not believe that it is possible to entirely prevent death.

Furthermore, though we have defeated many major diseases such as Polio (and Bubonic Plague?), I don't think that people are generally any healthier than in the past - except for specific times and places such as London after the Industrial Revolution where there are major specific causes of health problems (pollution, etc).

Certain health conditions are more of a problem now than even in recent history. Cancer and Heart disease for example.

There is no technology that can heal the human body. The body must heal itself, technology is only able to push it along a bit and provide the proper conditions for healing.

The medical industry today, controlled by a capitalist society, is focused on selling pills and treatments, not on curing or eliminating diseases. It is all business. In the extreme case, psychological conditions are being invented along with pills to treat them with the apparent goal of getting everyone hooked on some prescription that will solve all of their problems. Why do anti-depressants increase suicide rates among teenagers? Isn't that kind-of the opposite of what anti-depressants are supposed to do.

I'm sorry, this is all rambling. I'll try to do some research, get some sources, etc. But right now, I'm working 10 hour days - 7 days/week, so I don't have much time.

Of course there will always be disease and death. I don't see prayer getting rid of them either.

Modern medicine did not cause cancer and heart disease. Before modern medicine most people didn't live long enough to get cancer, and how would heart disease look any different from all the other unexplained ways to die.

Now, I kind of agree about the psych meds, but snake-oil salesmen will take advantage of anything to fool people. Faith healing and TV evangelism are big business, too.
I like the analogy of the "snake-oil salesman" that john (I didn't capitalize because he didn't) used. There are so many commercials (radio/TV/magazine/etc.) for miracle pills, it's pathetic. Everyone wants quick, easy fixes to all their problems and pharmaceutical companies are more than willing to sell them.
The problem is that in the case of the medical industry, the snake-oil salesmen are running the show.
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