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qpmarl blog

Here you will find personal information about my life as well as everything that I find apropriate and interesting enough to share with the world.

Sunday, December 04, 2005


A Wizard of Earthsea

When I was a kid, in junior high or so, I read a book entitled A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula Le Guin. To this day, I regard it as one of the best books I have ever read (along with the others in the Earthsea series). It is certainly my favorite book in the Sci-Fi/Fantasy genre. I've read it two or three times over the years.

Unfortunately, the Sci-Fi channel has produced an Earthsea movie based on the Le Guin book(s?). I have not seen the movie yet, but from what I have seen of it, it looks like total garbage. I am going to watch it - against my better judgment - just so that I know exactly how badly they messed up this great story.

I suggest that, if you haven't seen it, you avoid it at all costs. And whether you've seen the movie or not, I suggest that you read the book, even if you're not really into fantasy. There's a new printing available - because of the movie I guess - it's got some artwork from the movie on the cover (just ignore that junk).

I'm going to see if I can get it on audio book for traveling.

Trust me, the Sci-Fi channel movie "Earthsea" is worse than garbage. I watched about 30 seconds of it and had to stop. It was that bad.
Oh yes, I tried to watch it after making this original post. Being a bit more tolerant than John, I gave it a good 2 minutes before I shut it off. It really was that bad. No, it was worse
I have found that most Sci-Fi channel original movies are all of this quality. There are two notable exeptions: Firestarter: Rekindled and Robocop: Prime Directives. I found both to be pretty enjoyable.
I had the same experience with Alexander. I read the books about him in school and then I watched about 5 minutes of the movie and turned it off and I was on an 9 hour plane ride with nothing else to do because Tom was moved up to the front row.
no, Earthsea was worse
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