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qpmarl blog

Here you will find personal information about my life as well as everything that I find apropriate and interesting enough to share with the world.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004


How I add pictures to my pages

Here's a little step-by-step instructional post about how I add pictures to my blog. I don't pay for blogger's premium service or use their picture hosting service (it wasn't available yet when I started).

Step 1. Get the picture ready for the webpage.
You don't want it to take forever to download, so you gotta crop, resize, and recompress the picture. You can use whatever photo editing software you have or search for "The GIMP" on google. I make all my picutes 500 or fewer pixels wide so they fit into my page design.

Step 2. Upload the Picture
You can use any image hosting service you want, but I use It's a nice service and they allow direct links to the images (needed to display them on the blog). Just click the Browse button the their page and then find the images you just edited (it helps to pay attention to where they're being saved when you edit them). The filename will appear in the filename field - then you hit the upload button and it'll take you to another page telling you that the image was sucessfully uploaded (you have to add them one at a time). This page will have a link to your image's page which will have the "HTML" link (this is the one you want). You just copy this whole thing including the '<' and '>'. It'll look something like <img src="..."> The '...' will be the web address of the image - you just need to copy the HTML link.

Step 3. Write the post and insert image links
Now you just write the post and paste the HTML links for the images into the composer window where you want the images to appear. It's best to have the image link on a line by itself especially if it's a large image.

Now you just publish your post and when you view the blog you should see the images there.

The following line is the link used for the following image.
<img src="">

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