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qpmarl blog

Here you will find personal information about my life as well as everything that I find apropriate and interesting enough to share with the world.

Friday, July 09, 2004


Moving again

Well, my parents haven't lived here for a year yet, but they've already decided to move again. They're moving to Grey Bull, Wyoming about 4 hours from here. I guess I know where I get my urge to roam (I spent a year in Alaska, but lived in 3 different place all throughout the state - and it's a big one).

We took a load of stuff out there today. They aren't moving for a few months yet, but they want to get as much stuff out there as possible so they don't have as much to move when they do move. They're just putting all the stuff into a shed maybe into the basement of the new house.

The new property contains the main house, a rental house, and a veterinary practice. The vet is moving to her parents ranch in some other state and my dad wants to get back into the practice, so it's a perfect deal. The house is bigger than the one they're in now and includes more property. Plus they'll have income from the rental house.

It's a nice 4 hour drive around the mountains and through some canyons. If you look up Cora, WY and Grey Bull, WY on a map, you can see that you have to drive around some big mountains one way or the other. Going North and then East, you pass through Yellowstone, which is pretty slow because of all the tourists and stuff. We went the other way, but it's all beautiful country. We went through some pretty cool tunnels in the canyon and passed the world's largest mineral hotspring at Thermopolis.

I'll put up some pictures tomorrow. It's getting late and I don't want to take the time to resize them right now.

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